Respect Life University Videos on YouTube
Philosophically based, pro-life responses to common pro-abortion arguments.
- Complete Playlist on YouTube
- Video: Can Abortion be Justified if a Pregnancy Threatens the Mother’s Life? FULL Parts 1 & 2 (10:30)
- Video: Can Abortion be Justified if a Pregnancy Threatens the Mother’s Life? Part 1 of 2 (6:25)
- Video: Can Abortion be Justified if a Pregnancy Threatens the Mother’s Life? Part 2 of 2 (4:37)
- Video: Should Abortion be Permitted in Cases of Rape and Incest? (6:42)
- Video: The Frightful Consequences of “Wrongful Birth” Lawsuits (5:06)
- Video: A Response to the “Burning Fertility Clinic” Scenario (7:06)
- Video: Does Abortion Save Lives? (6:25)
- Video: Should We Agree to Disagree on Abortion? (3:16)
- Video: Can We Agree to Disagree on Abortion? (4:14)
- Video: Is the Embryo a Human Being? (4:36)